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Re: We got API, Why do not you give any further information?


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Re: We got API, Why do not you give any further information?

Delete this post Submitted by Administrator on 17/Dec/2018 in reply to We got API, Why do not you give any further information? posted by Mascia on 27/Nov/2018


Hello Mascia,

We have just put this site back online and working, with the necessary changes and security required to make it safe using your Google API key.

It has taken several months of work. Apologies for the inconvenience.

We hope for a period of stability from Google now, with no sudden changes and dramatic Google Maps price increases.

Please let us know if you need any help or advice on setting up your account.

We are now working on developing Open Street Map as a free alternative to using Google Maps, and the site will be hosted at

Thanks for your patience.

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